Episode 21: Wanting It
What's my biggest psychological obstacle to making this film? Let's dive into my psyche, shall we? But first, a link: The Little Theatre of Alexandria's page for "Rumors" - come see me act And you can listen to this episode here! And here's the script to this...
Episode 20: Greed is good: Business models
Let's find out all about business models, shall we? Let's go! But first, a couple links: Path of the Beast - a no-budget Bigfoot movie The Little Theatre of Alexandria's page for "Rumors" - come see me act And you can listen to this episode here! And here's the...
Episode 19: Are you talking to me? Feedback!
Today we're talking script feedback. Where to get it, how to survive it, what to do with it, and how to give it. But first, some links, lots of links this time! Women in Film and Video - a great DC-area organization for filmmakers. The Little Theatre of Alexandria's...
Episode 18: We’re gonna need a bigger script
This week it's all about the script. What kind of script? What's the story? What's the process? You can listen to it here: Or you can read the script for this episode: Hi, this is Joe Dzikiewicz, and welcome to the Storylanes Podcast, the podcast where I tell the...
Welcome to season 2: Let’s make a movie!
Season 2 is going to be entirely different than Season 1. Season 1 was all about analyzing screenplays. In Season 2, we're going to take all that we learned and use it to make an independent feature. So come along for the ride! See the ups and downs of a first-time...

The Storylanes Podcast tells the story of how Smart House Movie LLC is producing DOMICIDAL, a new feature film. We talk about all the trials of producing an independent film, with episodes that talk about read-throughs and script feedback and directing and all the other filmmaking things.
But we also dive into movie scripts. A lot of our episodes look at the great films and their scripts, giving a screenwriter’s view of the world. Each screenplay episode does a deep-dive analysis of one movie or show, examining how the story is structured and how all the elements come together to create the story, complete with a chart showing all the story’s key beats.
So check out Storylanes. You just might learn something about the craft of filmmaking!